A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Carrrrrrrrrrrd Game!
But wait, don't click away yet! 

Have your life been ruined by RNG god?
Have your card build been murdered by the card deck?
Have your perfect rogue start been destroyed by some random bugs? 
Have you... ever wanna become one of THEM?

Now it's your chance!

Modify the card cost?
Direct the card to a different target?
Turn the card into a completely unexpected OP meta card?

They are all here! Makes your RNG wet dreams come TRUE!!!

This is Number Panel, a 2D real-time automated card game that you get a chance to decide what goes to the player and how does it go to the player!

Now it's time for some guide to become the RNGsus...

Here is a general overview of the game panel

You will be able to modify the card details (Energy cost, Attack, Shield, Action and Target), trying to save the "Player" from an inevitable failing game.

For example:

- Clicking on the energy cost will remove the number from the card to the number panel, and the energy cost will become a default "X" value.
- Clicking on the "X" value will be able to re-assign available values back to the card.
- For example, you can freely swap the card cost and card attack value with 3 or 6 in the above screenshot.
- Same idea and controls for the card action and card target.

One thing to note, "CERTAIN_SINGLE_ENEMY" target value will be able to swap with a specific enemy target, by clicking the target button in target panel, the "1, 2, 3, 4" position selector will lit up. You will be able to change it to a specific enemy target.

Energy bar will automactically generate energy every 5 seconds. And when the cost is greater or equal to the card cost. The "player" will happily cast the card without your permission.
In the above example, if you don't try to swap the cost number with other numbers. It will take 6 * 5 seconds to cast the card (It's very long, and it's up to you to make it easier or harder for the "player")

This is an overview of status indicator.
Frequent Moves: Unit will act faster
Falls in Love: Unit will not attack anyone else that he/she falls in love with
Rage: Simple, double the damage
Sleeping: Unit is exhausted with game jam, needs sleep and will not do anything
Bribed: Bribed enemy will become your teammate (yay! But with certain cost...)
Action Forecast: It's a real time card game, you will need something to tell what the enemy is going to do, right?

And yeah... you got some sweet engineering show off here...
The eng boi decided to leave the logging panel in the submission. If you are confused with certain moves, simply press "D" to activate the logging panel and read through all the available information there.
Also, if you are overwhelmed, press "space bar" to pause the game and take a rest, the logging panel will also show up in when paused.

If you have read everything down to here, you are now the official GOD in our game. Congrats!


Number Panel win.zip 35 MB
Number Panel mac.zip 44 MB


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Hey! I really liked the design, but I can't understand how to play :c


Hi, we have updated a guide in game description. Thanks for playing!